Welcome to my website. My purpose is to support people interested in individual and organizational development. I do this in a variety of ways, combining my expertise in business environment with the experience and knowledge of psychological change processes. Whenever possible I prefer to work… [read more]
Unconventional Assistance
You can call it assessment, or profiling or talent detecting or psychological X-ray; the key point it is that there is a a scientific tool that can unveil with high accuracy the deep thinking structure of a person. Whenever there is a problem that involves people’s skills, performance, motivation or there is an interest for a better knowledge of a person’s professional capabilities, talents or sources of flow, and the usual approaches do not bring the expected results, don’t settle for less than you want, more is possible. There is a scientific way of measuring people’s capacities and there is a tool that goes beyond the conscious level of one’s knowledge. Drop me a message: I might be of help.
Getting ready to let the world know: ”Unconventional Testing for the 21st Century: An Object Measure of Interpersonal Talent Backed Up By A Research Study on Empathy” – demo session at European Association of Test Publishers Conference.
Coaching pur si simplu

This is a book about essential success factors of being brief and effective as a coach. It is easy to follow and apply in a useful way to any profession that incorporates coaching: professional coaches, managers, facilitators, consultants, teachers. Unlike other coaching books it offers surprisingly… [read more]
Use what talents you possess,…
“…the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” (Henry Van Dyke)
Unconventional Assistance
Since I just opened the doors of the place called www.adinaborta.com, since it is the end of 2012 and celebrating time, I want to celebrate …
Welcome to my website. My purpose is to support people interested in individual and organizational development. I do this in a variety of ways, combining …
In zi de sarbatoare
“A vorbi despre limba romana este ca o zi de duminica”. (Nichita Stanescu). Ma simt prea mica pentru a vorbi despre Eminescu. Va pot vorbi …