Types of assessments

Thinking Pattern ProfileTM Samples

Below is a list with sample reports that can be used for assessment. There are more reports
available (including for coaching, security, nursing, physicians and sport professionals) and
this is also the possibility to design customized reports based on a organization’s internal set of
competencies. For more information, please contact Adina

Executive Management Synopsis
Includes a graph, a synopsis of 57 management attributes, core strengths and primary and
secondary development comments. See a sample

Manager Synopsis
Includes a graph, synopsis of 26 management dimensions, Primary and secondary development
comments and counseling comments. See a sample

Manager Interview Guide
Is designed for use during a hiring process; it includes a summary of 5 areas of the person,
a prioritized list of core strengths and development areas relevant for management positions
together with prioritized interview notes. See a sample

Leadership Profile
It includes a graph, prioritized strengths and development areas related to each of the following:
People values, Task values, System values and Self values. See a sample

Leadership Screen
It includes a summary of overall tendencies, a graph, prioritized strengths and development areas related to each of the following: People values, Task values, System values and Self values. See a sample

Leaderships Screen with 9 Pathways
It includes a summary of overall tendencies, a graph, prioritized strengths and development areas related to each of the following: People values, Task values, System values and Self values. It also includes a prioritized list of critical leadership performance dimensions. See a sample

General Employability Screen
Includes a graph, synopsis of 16 skills necessary for general administrative and clerical type jobs, core strengths, development comments and an interview guide useful for the hiring process. See a sample

Employability Profile
A one page report, covering work ethic competencies. See a sample

Applicant Interview Guide
A three page report that highlights, Prioritized Core Strengths, Prioritized Development
Comments, and Prioritized Interview Notes; useful for assessing specialists within the hiring
processes. See a sample

Personal Pathfinder
This 20 page report describes a person’s strengths and how he or she can use these strengths
to become a better individual, identifies the blocks and what can be done to reduce their effect
together with a strategy containing coaching and counseling comments for focusing personal
growth. See a sample

Personal Pathways
This report presents personal strengths (sources of flow) and personal blocks (sources of
interference) along with suggestions for navigating both of them for highest personal benefit. See a sample

Personal Performance Assessment
This report measures a set of 21 dimensions grouped in Focus, Drive, Positive & Limiting
Beliefs that can facilitate or block the use of other skills and competencies and thus affect
performance. See a sample

Sales Synopsis
Includes a graph, synopsis of 46 sales dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary
development comments. See a sample

Sales Screen
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 sales dimensions, core strengths, areas for development and an interview guide for use during a hiring process. See a sample

Sales Interview Guide
Is designed for use during a hiring process; it includes a summary of 5 areas of the person, a
prioritized list of core strengths and development areas relevant for sales positions together with
prioritized interview notes. See a sample

Customer Service Synopsis
It is recommended for customer service development planning or programs; it includes a
graph, a synopsis of 30 customer service dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. See a sample

Customer Service Screen
It is recommended for hiring purposes; it includes a graph and a synopsis of 30 skills necessary
for customer service positions, core strengths, development comments and an interview guide for use during a hiring process. See a sample

Customer Service Interview Guide
Is designed for use during a hiring process; it includes a summary of 5 areas of the person, a
prioritized list of core strengths and development areas relevant for customer service positions
together with prioritized interview notes. See a sample

Professional Competencies (120)
This product is a measure of 120 Competencies (skills) with a prioritized list of your top 10, as
well as a prioritized list of your top 5 development competencies. See a sample

Project Management Competencies
This report gives a picture of how a person rank in terms of the competencies required for the 9
key areas required for effective project management. See a sample

Professional Profile
It offers a summary report of the person as well as a measure of ability to fit in to the
organization, self management skills, thinking and problem solving skills and leadership skills.
See a sample

Entrepreneur Analysis
This is a measure of the essentials to success, covers 25 dimensions and may be used in work
and personal life; it offers strength & development comments. See a sample

Risk Tolerance Assessment
It measures 10 skills and 9 attitudes together with a prioritized list of the critical skills. See a

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